Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chickens on the Loose and Cow Pasture Politics

So, my chickens have given one of our geese naughty ideas. One of the geese has decided to wander around free. Silly goose. Now we toss feed to the chickens outside of the pen, there is water available, and lots and lots of green stuff to eat. But, the goose doesn't appear to be eating or drinking, even when we put her back into her pen. I wish I knew how she was escaping.

You know, you'd think that the dairy steers, being bigger than the Dexters would rule the pasture. Nope. The natural order of things (at least to them) is Gumdrop, T-Bone, new cow, Sir Loin and then Sir Lunchalot. It is a pasture run by the little guys. It goes to prove that dynamite comes in small packages.

I'm really looking forward to getting T-bone into the freezer. Fresh beef in the freezer, yummo. So, between now and December, we will have 1 lamb, 1 pig and 1/2 of a steer to put into the freezer.

I am trying to figure out the fall/winter garden, so maybe I'll have some veggies to go with that.

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